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Defend Trans Swimming Rights of the Day

Comedian ALEX STEIN who I am sure people will call some transphobic, white supremacist, alt right, Q Anon, demon trying to make fun of people, because making fun of people is mean, and making fun of people is bad….

To which I say, he’s just defending Trans Rights in the city of PLANO TEXAS…

He could be using the logic of these people against them comedically, you know show them how dumb they fucking are…

Or maybe he is really a trans women, who decided to identify as a woman, because he’s not a biologist but knows in his soul who he is…

AND WE CANNOT JUDGE HIM for that, if anything, we may have to fuck him, otherwise we’ll be seen as transphobics to.

Clearly, this dude’s doing solid work for the people….and there’s nothing like a good CITY COUNCIL troll to let you know where your tax payer money goes….TO IDIOTS>…it GOES TO IDIOTS…

The best thing about playing the trans card, is they can’t argue you on it, that’s always been my plan for this site, as a TRANS artists, I an do whatever I like….with my penis, and with my content…you woke fucks ruining our lives with the insanity….let’s get back to normal…we’ve gone too far….and that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t Stop Transphobia Now…it just means stop annoying us with the crazy.

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