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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am sure the corporate governments that are allowing weed to be legal are too busy doing harder drugs to realize how much of a joke weed actually is, so they are thinking it will just make everyone lobotomized and dumb, when really it’s opening their third eye and letting them communicate inter-dimensionally or at least with their own spiritual side. Stoners are enlightened…not pass the joint you hog…

We all know that the fact that it was made illegal is just a crime against humanity, a sign of how evil companies threatened by the good plant control governments and use fear to get the support of the people, which sounds familiar to the people I know who have had COVID for a few days, realizing their fear was totally unjustified and that the lockdown of society was mental.

I guess it’s a tactic used to herd the HIVE MIND lemmings…but if you or someone you know have smoked weed, you’ll know it’s the lightest weight, keep yourself relaxed, barely a drug, with health benefits so great they’ve even seen it cure cancer…..BETTER BAN THAT SHIT….hilarious..

These girls use the weed as a prop to show you they’re cool, hip, with it, or lazy slobs who don’t leave their house, so they sell nudes instead, and that works for me.

Posted in:Weed