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Feminist Friday of the Day

Last week we dove into the whole FEMINISM bra burning storyline being a myth, and only some militant dykes protesting something like Abortion, or wholesome family values were outraged pre twitter, probably funded by some liberal organization to disrupt the natural course of living happy and normal middle of the road family lives….because Feminism actually destroys happiness….by telling women that being in a family is in some way oppressive, or that running a household, which requires a lot of work, is a bad thing, but going to an actual meaningless job, not spending time with your kids, since your job just wants you to abort them so you can give more time to them, is happiness….it’s pretty demented from my perspective, there’s nothing wrong with a man going out and working to pay for shit, so his woman can stay home and properly raise her kids and keep the house in check….but whatever FEMINISTS…

Which reminds me of a meme I was sent by my gay hair stylist friend STEFAN this morning, I guess he knew it was FEMINIST FRIDAY:

Not that these are feminists, they probably think they are, but the truth is they are just doing traditional female gender roles of using their pussy for money so they don’t have to actually work….so they have a little something in common with housewives, just not any of the good or respectable things you’d look up to, unless you are me, cuz I love half naked girls, nipples, bra hate which I see daily now that girl’s don’t wear bras..you can like the slut-ification of the world without RESPECTING it.

Posted in:Feminist