I don’t know the context of Alexis Ren showing off her ass and body fully nude in a quarter turn so that you don’t actually see her pussy sticking its tongue out at you…..
I guess in this era of internet you don’t need a context, or reason, the nude is just part of the marketing program.
I do know that she’s definitely not rocking enough bush for my liking, because if there isn’t a pillow in the panties that I can curl up into to read a nice book, not that I know how to read, but it’s an aesthetic, then I don’t want it.
BUSH IS LIFE motherfuckers, it’s also on trend, so any of these basic bitches still rocking a bald pussy are just idiots who don’t know what’s up….
I’ll still look at their bald pussies…..but they gotta be fucking showing them in order for me to see them….but instead. they aren’t.
Alexis Ren is probably the first slutty travel and adventure always in a bikini girl to go viral, to put that idea of travel half naked in the heads of many bitches as hot, as interesting, since you don’t have to be interesting for views….the queen bee of bikini travel porn they all look up to, so we’ll assume this Dancing with the Stars who was never an actual star, but who danced like she was, before losing….is setting trends for 4 doors more whores….

Posted in:Alexis Ren