I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Hadid Sort of Nipple of the Day

Bella Hadid, like SWIM WEEK IN MIAMI, is a nice reminder that people have low standards, people don’t have a fucking casting couch in their heads when accepting these models or influencers as models or influencers, even though they should, and they’ll let anything surface to the top…

Isn’t there an expression about the cream rising to the top, well, if you let your cream rise outside, you’ll probably end up with a few maggots, bugs or undesireables floating on it’s thicker consistency….meaning that cream does surface to the top by insects cling to that shit and confuse themselves for the cream……rigt…

I get it from all perspectives, I just prefer when the people celebrated are actually hot chicks, not monsters who act like they are hot.

It’s one of those ugly girls try harder to be hot chicks, one of those brands are lazy and just pay people who are popular, one of those people think follower count is what matters because everything is a direct to consumer hustle….but Victoria’s Secret was as direct to consumer hustle and they bought ALL the hottest chicks around, they had standards, and these hot chicks would fight to get it, now every brand just hands anyone who can convert a sale a deal and we, as the spectator are stuck with supbar talent being presented as top tier talent and that just skews everything into the gutter, lowers the bar, and makes for a depressing world filled with shit, which is why you should get off the internet, unless you’re getting off on the internet, in which case, you may see her nipples for attention, because we know she knows she’s an imposter who doesn’t live up to any of the hype.


Posted in:Bella Hadid