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Feminist Friday of the Day

Braless girls are a trend, not an annoying political movement that is brewed in colleges, for the henchmen, or henchwomen, or in this case the henchperson or hench WOMyn, because you can spell women without MEN….motherfuckers from the patriarchy…..to bring into the world as their establish careers, social media footprints and all that other annoying shit that they do….

Braless girls are just girls who know that bras suck and it doesn’t have to be some annoying, over-analyzed, bullshit and outrage that people seem to have.

I saw some nature loving Yoga instructor take shit on twitter for writing “Get Outside”, great advice when you realize that computers and tech suck your soul, while nature enlightens you…..meanwhile a bunch of pasty skinned, terrifying monster chicks, got mad and tried to cancel her because some people CAN’T AFFORD to go outside, or can’t PHYSICALLY get outside, because they are 700 pounds and need a crane, thanks to sitting on twitter for 10 years crying…

So calling these girls feminists is racist of me, they’re just hot chicks with their tits out in shirt, not fighting the patriarchy, just fighting uncomfortable bras…which is always ENOUGH.

Posted in:Feminist