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Ashley Greene Fat and Topless of the Day

I never liked Ashley Greene, I don’t know why I always got scam vibes from her. Just Florida trash that sucked the right dick, landed Twilight, which is the equivalent of Gangnam Style for a celebrity, you know a one hit wonder that gets a billion views, because it’s bigger than the idiot and the idiot would never exist if it wasn’t for that viral moment….you get what I am saying..

Then she dated a Jonas brother and pretended to be a virgin or abstinent which no one bought, but for whatever reason that was the trend or the agenda being pushed at the time, it was a long time ago, before everyone realized if they wanted to have staying power they had to get competitive with the porn thing, even though porn was big then, the mainstream was snobby and turned their back on it, before the whole “if you can’t beat em, join em”….plus they definitely chose anal as the grey area of abstinence, which was likely way too familiar to the Jonas brothers, their favorite pass time.

So I haven’t forgot that I didn’t like her, even though I forget most things, and seeing her all bloated and disgusting doing some fat power, body empowerment, fat girls can get topless bullshit, is just gross….however the tits got their swole on, so an old as shit, Ashley Greene and her bloated, ate a bad sub, gunt are a little less offensive….but STILL gross…in a shoulda took it up the ass like she was still being pure with the Jonas brothers to stimulate that impacted shit out of her kind of way…..


Posted in:Ashley Greene