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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Let there be lactation!

I am one of those people who likes to stare at women breast feeding in public, not because I’m into the natural function of tit, but I don’t mind it, I mean if that’s the reason one of my most favorite things exists, I’m not going to hate on it, especially when I can get a solid nip or full tit slip in the process..

I do not believe that this activism for breast feeding was ever needed, or that women really got shamed for breast feeding in public, I am convinced that’s a bullshit storyline some pervert with a breast milk fetish coordinated to get more tits out there to entertain him.

I feel like every culture, even the OPPRESSIVE one are cool with breast feeding, since it FEEDS their fucking babies..but sure, go FREE THE NIPPLE you hero. Retards.

I will miss the whole breast feeding in public thing when all the vaccinated women go completely barren and the whole breeding thing gets turned over the state to do in labs……but we’re not there yet……..and at least we’ll always have the unvaccinated but it will be harder to watch them breast feed at their off grid farms they are raising their kids in since society shat the fucking bed for people like them.

For now, we have lactation!

Posted in:Lactating