I'll Make You Famous…




Old Folks Home Entertainment of the Day

I don’t know how old this video is, but I know that moving overseas to die is looking a lot more interesting, in part because of the cheap living, but mainly because of the whores..

I know a guy out there living off 1000 dollars a month, getting wasted daily, fucking random bitches in massage parlours or lady bars and is having a great fucking time while everyone he left behind in America are basically being starved out and left to die!

I also know that Old Folks home entertainment in these parts is some nerdy fuck doing some Vaudeville act that should never have been conceptualized or found an audience, but since they work for free, and since the audience is demented, they make their performer dreams a reality and last I checked, that’s not a stripper show though!

So yeah, this is good! Aspirational, better tomorrow shit, even though we all know the collapse is coming!

Posted in:Videos