I'll Make You Famous…




Megan Fox’s Sex Doll Formation Complete of the Day

I figure her pussy is likely about as dead and leathery as your old, dry rotted Fleshlight, so it makes sense that she’s taken the rest of her to the injection clinic to fill her 40 year old, mom of 3 or 4, with chemicals that make her look like she’s made out of foam latex, or silicone, or whatver it is the real doll is made of, and I guess people find it exciting because they live behind a screen, don’t know real life humans, and thanks to the Kardashian’s propaganda, have totally distorted ideas of beauty!

They know Megan Fox is known as a hot chick – 20 fucking years ago, therefore she must still be a hot chick, despite doing the same tactics LITERAL DUDES do when they transition to become chicks, thanks to being jealous of all the attention and how easy it is for chicks to make it on the internet, there’s actually a rumor that Megan Fox isn’t even a chick, has always been trans, part of some bait and switch troll from Hollywood on the people, and this new look doesn’t do her any favors, which is ok, since dudes are into Tranny!

Does a porno looking Megan Fox with what looks like new tits excite you because you’ve been brainwashed into being her fan, 20 fucking years ago?

I find her whole comeback tour akward, unnecessary, demonic and weird, but hey, when menopause hits, the hormones make the bitch fucking crazy, so let her and her whore outfit continue to get jerked off to like you jerked off to that Dahmer series on NETFLIX, you homo!

To See the PAPARAZZI PICS to SEE What this MESS Looks Like in HUMAN form CLICK HERE

Posted in:Megan Fox