Carmen Electra is still Carmen Electra, even if she’s a botox, filler, filtered version of the Carmen Electra we once knew and loved, who was also plastic back then, so she’d have to be plastic and probably titanium now that she’s older and more rotten!
Clearly, she’s still got some slutty fucking outfits that she’s taken outside with a towel, to not get her asshole too cold from that cemement, at her age, sitting on concrete asshole first is guaranteed Hemorrhoids!
It is pretty bold that she took it to the streets, one of those TikTok Challenges, only for Old People who don’t understand smart phones of “sluttiest outfit in public” that I am sure her neighbors are happy about, just not as happy as the pool cue that she’s sexually assaulting!
I mean, she’s old, she’s photoshopped, she’s fake as shit, but I’m liking the effort she’s putting into her smut, it’s easy to make good smut, you’d think her old 90s work ethic and experience would next level her content from the lazy new generation! She’s not quite there yet, but I believe in her!

Posted in:Carmen Electra