I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora’s Bikini vs Rita Ora’s Upskirt vs Rita Ora’s Weird Cut-Out Pants of the Day

Rita Ora’s an attention seeker, whether it’s due to narcissism, where she thinks the people give a fuck about her or that it is her duty to show you all the Rita Ora she can because she thinks she’s important or doing us a service since that’s how that whole thing works, but it could just be from boredom of having nothing better to do with herself, while doing what she can to stand out amongst all the attention seeking narcissists out there with a little more fire under their asses because they aren’t married to rich Hollywood players yet!

In being an attention seeking, just doing her part in pop culture, leaving her mark like an double amputee girl’s snail trail across the bedroom floor, she’s graced us with her never been fitter body, maybe she has cancer, in a bikini, with upskirts and most recently, in weird cutouts jeans that show off her slut brand, from the slut ranch, they churned her out of!

Can’t hate a big set of tits on the tailend of her sex appeal doing her best to stand-out!



Cut Out Pants:

Posted in:Rita Ora