I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora’s Slutty Raver Outfit of the Day

I saw these pics of a fitter Rita Ora who has been working out since she got married last spring to that New Zealand Hollywood guy who did the show about vampire roommates, which opened the door for him to do a bunch of other shit, since Hollywood is struggling and when they find something that moderately works, they run with it, especially if the guy has an ethnic sounding name, because it makes them feel like they are still pushing their propaganda and agenda, but it worked out alright for him, he’s got this child refugee exported to Jay Z in America only for him to say “I don’t want it” forcing her to fend for herself, with some money in the bank and some fat tits in her top, it was probably not all that hard to pull off, especially since she had basically no standards, her first American boyfriend was Rob Kardashian, at least that I know of, I don’t really keep tabs on the cock that’s been in Rita.

The truth is I was waiting at a bar behind Rita Ora at a bar once and I thought she was Kelly Osbourne so I really don’t find her hot, interesting or compelling, I just find it funny that she came into the scene with a dream contract that was pulled from her, forcing her to prostitute herself to a Kardashian and do whatever she could to market herself, with her built in selling features, THEM TITS.

She’s older now, she’s working out now, and she’s wearing a really insane raver slut festival girl stripper chick outfit and the tits still look good, even though she’s a decade into using them harder than most women use their tits, and getting more success than most women do for their tits, and I like it, she doesn’t look like Kelly Osbourne no more.

Posted in:Rita Ora