I'll Make You Famous…




Milf Monday of the Day

My friend STEPHAN sent me a MEME that I don’t have anymore, but it basically said something like MILFS talk a big game until you try to get them into positions their bodies can’t handle, because they are old as shit and their flexibility in the legs are gone are as blown out as the elasticity in the pussy from being a old as shit MILF, but the truth is, MILF having been through child birth, having something to prove, having egos or a want to be wanted after years of not being wanted because of puke up on their shirts, power the fuck through….MIND over matter and nothing their YOGA and PILATES can’t fix….especially since they are of the harder working generation of struggle to get where you need to go….and if being hot, fuckable while old and damaged is your goal, you do what you gotta do…

The youngere generation are the fat lazy ones, but girls do start breeding at 20 years old now, at least the modest Christian wives ready for that real fulfilling family values life, or the sugar baby who lands the right rich guy, so NOT all MILFS are old broken bitches…..NOT all babes are abortion activists getting pregnant just for the “BODY COUNT” of actual babies killed, while getting a BODY COUNT of cock they’ve had in em….so MILF is a catch all term, some old as shit, tired as shit, lazy as shit, others hot as shit, fit as shit, even when old as shit…and the whole thing can be magical depending on how insecure they are with their baggage, or how busy they are with their kids, giving you that 2 hour window every second window to BONE….

Here are some MILFS…

Posted in:Milf