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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t think there’s anything with jerking off to a tit doing what it was designed to do, except when there’s a kid latched onto said tit in public, but there’s that moment of pulling the tit out and putting the tit away, where the kid is out of the frame, allowing you to masturbate to it freely….

I just saw a stream of Youtube videos of kids breast feeding with millions of views, they just showed me it in the feed because they know it’s MILKY TIT monday, as they know everything, and I thought….I bet way too many dudes jerk off to this….

Which is why I like to present the MILKY tit by the new enough mom, who is nutritious and delicious, sexualizing her milky tits, in a controlled environment, so you don’t have to be a weirdo when getting off to milky tits like a husband who hasn’t fucked his wife since she got pregnant despite her new found tits.

In the natural world, you know producing milk to feed new life, to help them grow into stronger humans, even though in a modern world, the tit milk is probably polluted, toxic, rancid and definitely not organic or nutrient dense…since we’re all being killed out here…..

But even in this modern world, a swelled up tit that you can eat from is exciting, for inflation savings at the grocery store, bitch comes with her own meal, to big engorged tits being big and engorged….

It’s really a winning formula, and I’d like to spend my retirement running a breast milk dairy farm, just a bunch of milky tits on breast pumps like Jersey cows for profit….ENTREPRENEURIAL DREAMS…..I got a few.

Posted in:Lactating