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On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

Take the guesswork out of a girl’s sex appeal, or at least out of what her clothed boy looks like naked with the On/Off, clothed vs unclothed, posing in your outfit, doing what the cool kids of social media call a FIT CHECK next to posing in the same post out of the clothes, so people know that the clothing isn’t lying to a motherfucker, even if the photoshop and filters are.

I am a big fan of the On/Off, especially on the internet where the On/Off lives, it’s rare to find a girl to do a live-action on off in everyday life unless you’re rich or some kind of stud, or at a strip club….because I don’t know how many clothed bitches I see that make me say to myself “I wonder what she looks like naked”….so on/off takes the guesswork out of that….why have an imagination when you don’t need one…SEEK TRUTH…REALITY….even if we’re living in a simulation…it real world enough for me.

Posted in:OnOff