My favorite thing about pussy wedgies is everything about pussy wedgies.
I am a pretty fucking simple person and the idea that I can see a pussy on a bitch I’ve never met, will never meet, who is just next to me, is fucking amazing.
Sure the pussy is squished, morphed, suffocated with the pants, so the map of her pussy isn’t as accurate as you’d want it to be if you were a CRAB trying to find your way into the womb….but it’s good enough for some stranger perving….
In this era of no gender, transgender, the focal point of tight pants, panties, shorts, should alway be a “Look at the cunt first” motherfucker….you know to make sure it’s real…to make sure it’s there….to make sure you’re not a fag checking out a dude’s pussy.
So this pussy wedgie for fashion trend has been pretty amazing for me, it’s just constant and everywhere and I wonder if girls are doing it on purpose as a silent protest….because sometimes the girl who has her pussy on display has a scarf around her face (it’s winter), a had and jacket on, yet the pussy in leggings almost intentionally on display as the only body part of hers you can see.
Is it to let you know they are real…or are they overcompensating for having been born with a dick….a trap…who knows….I’m still looking!
Posted in:Pussy Wedgie