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Chick Fight in Flight of the Day

Chicks fighting is always highly erotic!

Here’s a video of some chicks can fly at least on a plane from El Salvador to Brazil where they turn the experience into a brawl.

Apparently, 15 chicks went at it before the Flight Waitresses, who are generally fucking useless, tried to break it up, and with any solid cat fight, tits were pulled out and bodies were shows….reminding us all that the hispanic woman is a special breed of fiery and crazy….which generally makes the fuck fuck better.

It’s just too bad it wasn’t shot better, or that I couldn’t see a little more cunt…but I’ll take it since Chick Fights can be erotic…

Below is a video of some other chicks fighting on land, not quite as erotic but it made me laugh because of the solid diabetes finishing move.

Posted in:Videos