I'll Make You Famous…




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I wrote in one of my ramblings last week about hot tit men are into life, future generations, the basic foundation of our species because tits are designed to feed babies and is probably why we are all so tit obsessed from a time when we were babies, which is why the bigger than your head tits get the girls who own said tits far more famous and rewarded than smaller tits, because as babies all tits were bigger than our heads.

I am not a psychologist and don’t really know the whole TIT fetish, that every creature, women included, love tits….I just know that it’s natural, life giving, sustaining…while being into ass is being into feces and designed to spread mind controlling parasites….so choose life…or not, I don’t care….

I think these girls who are taking the whole tits are a source of food for new life, are being a little too literal on the tits giving life being part of the tit appeal, because they are sexualizing their lactation like I admittedly used to do in the 90s when a tit was pulled out at a coffee shop…and probably still do, because as a man I can block out the baby and focus on the tit.

I don’t know if the milk tit fetish is just exciting to people now that everyone is an incel who doesn’t breed, like they used to be exciting to husbands who got their wife a new set of tits to jerk off to when the new baby was finally asleep.

But I feel like it’s some lonely loser cosplay, like fantasizing of the TRAD life….and that makes it so much weirder…which is really why I post it….because the internet being weird is my business that is barely a business but that could have been a business so that counts for something, not much, but something. I blame google the OPPRESSOR…who like Simon Cowell decides if you’re going to Kelly Clarkson or William Hung….or left in line at try outs. That is my first American Idol analogy and I didn’t like it one bit.

Posted in:Lactating


