I'll Make You Famous…




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Since I slacked the fuck off last Friday, it’s Friday, SUMMER HOURS bro….some of us have hangovers to nurse, or figure that since we don’t make any money off this shit, we’re semi-retired / unemployed and living like the unemployed when unemployed is a smarter use of my fucking time. It was also GOOD FRIDAY on the HOLIEST of WEEKENDS in this SATANIC world….but that’s just me making EXCUSES!

I am also a believer in the FOUR DAY WORK WEEK that the communist agenda is pushing on us, I don’t know why they want us to have an extra day off for socialism, but I figure it’s a good strategy since working sucks, let the AI and robots do it, I’m busy streaming NETFLIX and watching porno bro.

Anyway, because I slacked last week, and again TODAY, I’ve got you some FISHNETS for a second time, since I posted them on Monday with some caption about old fishermen fucking fish to remind themselves of the pussy they left back on shore….It’s my Fishnet go-to angle, you know comedians tell the same jokes for decades, why can’t bloggers no one read write the same post for decades, there is only so much to be SAID about fishnets besides them being HOT.

Posted in:Fishnets