I'll Make You Famous…




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

I heard a dude blasting the Thong song down the street from what I think was an old convertible, not a Miata, so I was like “That dude’s got it all figured out”….not that I ever bought into the THONG hype, or thong propaganda that includes pop songs about thongs, while all the celebs at the time were wearing their thongs over their hips and low rise jeans so everyone knew they had thongs, almost like they had a documentary and hit TV series called THONG, the way they are pushing this RICH GUY SUBMARINE story on us….24 hour coverage about 5 idiot rich people potentially faking their own death, or maybe actually dying, in a world where countless people die every day for less dumb reasons, maybe focus our energy there….

Point of the story is fuck the fart and feces filled rich person submarine, but that I was always down to look at asses in thongs and still am and lucky for all of us, the girls in thongs figured out how to make it even more sexual, revealing and exciting, by incorporating their asshole, which is an orifice that is being celebrated by all genders in this genderless world of weird non-binary pronoun freaks…probably as a mechanism to transmit and distribute fecal borne parasites….but as a pervert, seeing a bitches asshole is usually the final move in sexting, the “I got it all now”….so from that perspective, the asshole behind the thong is culturally relevant and IMPORTAN..

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