I'll Make You Famous…




Chelsea Handler Ass of the Day

I don’t really understand Chelsea Handler’s cunty sense of humor, but I know that I’ve never found her funny. Maybe it’s because I’m not a catty and empty flacid white woman who connects to her relatable shit, but ultimately, I always thought she sucked and was happy to see her show cancel, even though they gave her a travel show to compensate for being dropped, which wasn’t renewed because clearly other people felt she sucked….and not just dudes who she literally sucked to get the career she had as a funny girl when the whole acting thing didn’t work out for her….

The problem is that CLEARLY Handler doesn’t think she sucks, she thinks she’s hilarious, an innovator, rich because of how important she is, and WORST of all, she thinks she’s hot…

Sure, she’s got fat tits, plastic surgery, blonde hair and in the 90s was probably a cute girl leaving her home down for that DREAMS of Hollywood, and sure she was hot enough to be the COMEDY STORE WHORE which opened doors thanks to powerful people hanging there and happy to get their dick sucked there…but she’s in her 50s, looks like shit and yet she keeps on producing salacious lewd content….

Whether it’s her tits out, her bikini, her ass, she’s fucking nasty, menopausal, boxy and if this is just some aging white woman comedy, which it probably is, I know I don’t fucking like it one bit….but it’s pretty fucking obvious that HANDLER thinks it’s amazing….so I post it to shame her by having you losers jerk off to her…


Posted in:Chelsea Handler