I'll Make You Famous…




Feminist Friday of the Day

I like to misgender people, because I think pronouns are fucking stupid and I don’t like to participate in the games of stupid people who want you to shift your thinking to accommodate their bullshit feelings…

I also like to call girls without bras on Feminists, you know to make them feel like they have purpose or like being braless is activism for the other vagina holders, hiding their cunts in there pants, trying to fight for equal pay for women….I figure, like the girls of the internet have made pretty clear, stripping down to create content for toxic masculines to jerk off to, is empowering or some shit….they want equality so bad that they do their own sexualizing of themselves for us, so that we don’t have to…

So whether the world fell apart when women were allowed to vote or whether the family fell apart when women had to join the work force to generate taxable income for the state, destroying their actual life purpose of family and replacing it with a job and cats doesn’t matter….SO long as the bras are off for me to see tit on the street I would otherwise no see because it was bound by the grip of the patriarchy in shackles they call a Bra….


Posted in:Feminist