I'll Make You Famous…




Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, because repetition is not necessarily a sign of craziness, but it’s a sign of craziness, and I’m fucking LOCO bro.

But yeah, the bikini was the intro to so much internet whoredom, where ladies would see all the hype other girls posting bikinis got and want to post their own bikini pics to feel like they fit in….so they’d turn to health, wellness, eating disorders, starvation, LIPO, filters, fillers and the other trash on the internet all to be best prepared to put their best bikini pic forward, realizing how much traction they got compared to their other bullshit, realizing they should focus on that.

Even celebrities like Hayek are open about “My bikini pics do so well, you clearly like them, so here’s another bikini pic, even though I’m old as shit”….because bikini pics work, we’re perverts, they are exhibitionists and the stats and views validate them, and the stats and views on bikini pics are higher….so they realize “that’s the content stream, that’s the hustle, that’s the money”….and it’s a gateway to viral success, ONLYFANS success, Porn success…you know the dipping a toe into getting jerked off to while pretending it’s an innocent bikini pic, which is hot.

Posted in:swimsuit