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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Here’s some asshole behind thong, like we do every week, because it’s a celebration of asshole in an asshole obsessed world, because the asshole is the coveted hole that everyone has and that we can be unified on, plus the more normalized it is to eat assholes and to love assholes, the more they can spread their parasites that control our minds around…

In the 80s or 90s, when having bro talk with regular bros, the “would you lick a girls butthole” would get laughed at, would get mocked, would be seen as gross, even though it’s really only away from the other hole, the pussy hole, the much more impressive, interesting, amazing, and LIFE giving hole….which doesn’t mean people weren’t licking ass in the 90s, it’s just to say that they were pretending they were grossed out by it, having a little modesty about it, and now these ladies are wearing underwear that’s thin in the ass, so that they can flash their asshole on a dime, without having to undress, for access and excitement.

I don’t hate thongs or woman butthole, it’s just amazing how we’ve evolved to end up in these butthole filled modern times!

Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong