I'll Make You Famous…




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I am happy to report that the woman I was following around the grocery store because of her tight pants pulls so far up her ass I could see her asshole ridges, much like those pictures you see of girls at the gym, all doing their squats like it’s a porno or at least a softcore playboy movie from the 90s….only I don’t go to gyms, it gets in the way of my lazy obesity, I go to grocery stores where I can fuel said obesity with CHIPS and baked goods and the pussy is as prevalent…you see, pussy has to eat, and apparently some pussy is starving as it eats those tight pants trying to suffocate them out…

So yeah, I am happy to report that in my tight pant journey of stalking a girl with a fat pussy in a tight pants in the grocery store to see if she was buying for a family, a couple or for one..I noticed that at least 5 other dudes looked right at her cunt and smiled…

Meaning, we’re not all gay, we’re not all depleted of testosterone, we are not all scared to check out pussy when it is walking towards us, we are still wired to want to fuck said pussy and that was pretty amazing..

In this male feminist, don’t objectify women unless you pay for their nudes world….PUSSY still gets stared at….

There is still hope for biological PUSSY owners…..and for the dudes who still look at cunt when it’s in their fucking face….


Posted in:Tight Pants