I'll Make You Famous…




On/Off Flasher Fridays on a Monday of the Day

I may be a lazy fuck who takes my weekends so seriously that I treat every single day like a Sunday afternoon, even when I am hard hustling celebrity gossip monger….who doesn’t even monger celebrity gossip, but I’ll post their pics and call them overrated trash you nerds shouldn’t be jerking off to, like the councillor at the retard camp who doesn’t let the retards jerk off at the public pool…FUN KILLER…

So yeah, I was supposed to post the On/Off, clothed/unclothed content on Friday, but I had cocktails to drink on the patio like some fancy European with a lust for life….only it was more drinking cheap beer in the park, but still allowed me to stare at all the half naked girls who are basically walking around naked in this new era of overexposure on the internet trickling into pretty revealing outfits in the real life….

On/Offs are almost obsolete thanks to all the near naked walk-bys…but still magical to a pervert like me who likes seeing clothed become naked….

Posted in:OnOff