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Joey King’s Underwater Titties of the Day

Joey King’s tits underwater, trying to float, is what you’re looking at here.

It’s safe to say that I am pretty out of touch when it comes to pretty much everything. I’m a boomer and that’s what boomers do.

I don’t produce Gen Z fast content for the ADHD autistic in the noise cancelling headphones, so I don’t do selfie dancing in a strobe light to robotic music that could cause a seizure while making me a sensation, on some Japanese Gameshow level of dystopia….

I don’t know what is popular in culture, besides seeing what the hive mind have signed up to as the people producing the things the hive mind buy get richer and richer and the people who are plugged into the hive mind all look the fucking same…

So I don’t really care who Joey King is, I don’t care if she’s not all that hot by my traditional standards of hot, she’s got tits and a pussy, which is more than we can say for many girls, so that makes her good enough.

She got married recently, brought her tits on a honeymoon where we’ll assume she got cummed in cuz it’s BREEDING time, why else would she get married, maybe to give her husband a Green Card and a taste of the American dream, since she’s rich….

I’m into fucking other people’s wives, it’s less of a challenge than you’d think, so she’s hotter as a wife than she was a child star who grew some tits to go with that pound puppy face on a short pudgy body…HOT enough for an out of touch boomer like me…

Posted in:Joey King