I'll Make You Famous…




Helen Flanagan Big Titty Swimsuit Show of the Day

As a 20 year old titty blog, I figure posting tits that have been exploited by the titty owner for the last 20 years makes sense. It’s like watching familiar tits rot, making you feel like a serial killer with a love for his kills he keeps in the basement, still fucking them when they are nothing more than bones and hair…

Anyway…Flanagan was an actress on a big show, set for life in a safe job, but decided the tits needed to be unleashed and that being a titty model was more important than acting, which it is, since acting is pretty fucking gay…

She married an athlete, had some kids, has probably attempted to go back to acting, only to realize she’s still got the tits, more used up, older, having been milk filled at least once, appealing to some of her audience and I figure if I don’t write about it, who will, she’s old timer and the younger generation just doesn’t care, so we can be irrelevant and outdated together, but she can do it better with her tits…

Posted in:Helen Flanagan