I'll Make You Famous…




Big Titty Millie Bobby Brown Jovi Shows Her Underwear of the Day

Millie Bobby Brown is married to Bon Jovi’s son which isn’t all that exciting really…but if you like jerking off to women who are spoken for.

If you’re a fucking loser and that your life is just a series of coveting other people’s things because you can’t get your own…then the fact that she’s married may be a fetish to you.

To the rest of you who don’t care that she’s married because you don’t over analyze the tits that you look at or care who or what fucks the tits, since you don’t know the tits besides seeing them on a screen….then here are those tits.

Sure, Millie Bobby Brown Jovi’s fan base is questionable, since the majority only know her from being a kid on TV, but some of us only discovered her in her direct to consumer, manipulating the fans, doing her instagram version of QVC vending that pays and she shows off her tits in that content…..

In other news, she wears her pants low enough to see her panties, which for a panty fetishist is exciting, even though I prefer thinking no panties are being warn, just raw denim raw dogging the raw pussy like it was Bon Jovi’s kid…but if it’s a new fashion trend, I’ll go with it since I can also panty fetish with the best of them….it’s not quite a talent or skill, but it’s something unappealing for sure.

Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown