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Halle Berry Panty Flash of the Day

A few hours ago, race baiter and cultural appropriator Halle Berry posted her version of Marilyn Monroe’s iconic white dress panty flash, because all these celebrities in that demonic celebrity cult must pay tribute to their fallen overlord the industry used and ran through…

She’s a race baiter and a cultural appropriator because she denies the fact that she’s white.

She’s found an angle to play the black chick in the Hollywood machine because she is half white and was raised white, so the Hollywood machine could count on her because she’s one of them, just darker toned.

So in every interview and every character she played, it was her artistic rendition or interpretation of a black person, which may have tricked some black people into thinking “there’s someone just like me on TV, I can give this acting thing a go”…without really understanding that she’s a white person with a mom who was into black on blonde shit before it was a porn category….

The only thing Berry has in common with the black people she plays on TV is that she’s never met her dad….OH shit, was that a racist joke? I blame the racist memes I am fed…

The real racist is Halle Berry though, she’s out here pretending she’s oppressed or understand the plight of the black man because some white kids in her middle class suburbia or her private school called her the N word in attempts to see her tits, you know lower their morale so they try to win you back with great tits…and Berry had great tits…

She’s old as shit now, so those panties may be the kind for old ladies who piss themselves, making this dramatically less hot of a post that it already was with all this racism talk…when the moral of the story is there is no race, we are all god’s people, the media just tries to manipulate and divide us with lies…

The one thing that is real is that Berry’s still whoring them tits, which may not be real…

Posted in:Halle Berry