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Ready to Drop Porn Fetish Creator Provider Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch Continues of the Day

On this day in history, DrunkenStepfather.com came up with a brilliant concept called “Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch”…..it probably wasn’t on this day, but it was a long fucking time ago, back when she was in those Disney Movies and her marketing team presented her to the world as hot, and her wonky pre and post botched nose job face was too scary to live up to the lie, or fake its way through the lie…so I took action.

I said “you won’t lie to us the people”….I said “I will expose you for your media lies and your sorcery”…and thus began an era of calling Tisdale ugly in every single attempt she made to be hot.

She clearly got the hint, realized she wasn’t fooling anyone, barely worked, lived off her Tisdale money, probably launched a brand or something and it wasn’t all that exciting, but she became less ugly as time went on.

Through the ugly shaming, I always said that at least she was fit, because when she’s 46 and uglier, she’ll have a better body than others who are equally ugly now that they are 46…the body mattered..so I’m not alll that bad…

She has apparently got knocked up again, she is marred to some French guy and she’s producing ready to drop porn strategically and without her face in it…you know a right proper selfie for a dog face….

The ready to drop porn fetish has always thrown me off, but the idea of sex to completion and carrying another man’s kid so that she can’t get knocked up has come in handy those nights I’ve fucked pregnant crackwhores raw….I’m sure those babies didn’t make it to fruition, but I’m also sure that those crackwhores didn’t either.

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale