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Katy Perry’s Middle Aged Tits and Panties on her Ozempic Tour of the Day

Katy Perry who is pushing some propaganda called Women’s World…is the kind of girl who you’d want to cut the tits off and put on an actual hot chick since the tits are hot…assuming you were allowed to do that kind of organ transplants which you should since they let Selena Gomez get some bitch’s kidney…it’s the same fucking thing…

Obviously rich as shit, clunky as fuck, recently found herself on Ozempic and slimmed the fuck Katy Perry is out of touch….

She was arguably always out of touch like most of the top pop performers out there who aren’t actual artists, but who are clever enough to find a popular scene to exploit, ripoff, or hire the people within said scene for a lot of money to legitimize themselves.

It’s pop music and the only thing authentic about it is that it’s shit. Authentic shit, everything else about it is catchy manufactured noise to trick our simple minds into buying merchandise, products, tickets and political agendas they push on us.

So Ozempic Katy Perry, who I’ve never found hot, so I’m not about to find hot in her 40s, is out here pushing a new album she’s trying to either CASH GRAB with, or manipulate minds with.

Her song is called “Women’s World”….which I can only assume is an attempt at a feminist agenda to inspire all the women out there to hate men, or to take ownership on their cunts in some “we’re not going to take it”, fake as fuck, manufactured as fuck crisis that doesn’t exist.

I guess, Katy Perry is allowed to celebrate women, even though WOMEN don’t exist in her own politics, but it’s safe to assume that by women she means anyone who identifies as a woman, and not EVERYONE who menstruates since some can identify as men, you know since gender isn’t real and doesn’t exist to them, yet they are the ones changing their genders on a hormonal level, since gender doesn’t exist…obviously.

The good news is that now OZEMPIC skinny Katy Perry didn’t lose her only assets that mattered, the tits….

More importantly, she’s promoting her feminist lie that she’s perpetuating because she thinks it will get her paid, or that it will appeal to the retards out there, and it may….but she’s promoting her WOMEN’s WORLD…showing her panties and braless tits….cleavage…tits…panties…


You know because women are empowered creatures fighting for their equal rights they already have, and the way to do that is to try to get jerked off to by men….

HYPOCRITES but at least they know the TITS matter….they just won’t call the song “TITTY OBSESSED WORLD” set to images of her tits…they have to be more subtle in their whole outdated “Power Woman” nonsense that even the OF sluts realize is outdated because men just want TRAD WIVES who cook and raise the family for them, LIKE NATURE INTENDED….


Posted in:Katy Perry