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Milf Monday of the Day

One could argue that motherhood is the primary purpose a woman exists, you know they have a uterus and a period to remind them of their primary purpose every single month, even if a collective have tried to say that their primary purpose isn’t to make babies, that’s just social conditioning by the man who wants the tax dollars, the misery and the destruction of the family unit…

So women should be out there doing their women’s work and women’s purpose of getting naked on the internet….only after they do their original purpose of breeding…because there’s still a market for the nude content even after all their other chores are done.

These are some moms you could argue have gone off course but I argue have taken the right course of action, even if getting naked on the internet is trashy and counterproductive to the whole raising of the child in a healthy environment…the world needs the nudes.

These women are moms and they are naked…they call themselves MILFs and I figure they’re MILF enough to celebrate.

Posted in:Milf