I'll Make You Famous…




Jessica Felter is the Instagram Of The Day

I guess the right thing to do when running commentary on a half naked chick from instagram is give you a brief bio, link to her account, maybe even get 5 questions with her that she actually answered or even that I answered on her behalf in a hysterical way because what’s she gonna do, sue me…ALRIGHT…

I could also do an analysis of each of her pics, with some running play-by-play comedy mocking everything about it, while jerking off because she’s a hot half naked chick.

Instead, I like to lazily make my commentary around her name…JESSICA FELTER…who I am sure you all wish you FELT HER…even if it was in passing on the bus, or at the grocery store, where you try not to let her feel your boner when you intentionally bump into her and pretend it’s an accident…you know how shoppping around hot chicks works…

But for some reason, a gay reason I am sure, I keep reading her name as FELTCHER…which is the act of sucking your cum out of an asshole and spitting it into your lover, typically the asshole you just sucked your cum out of’s mouth….

So hot half naked chick makes me think gay sex act because of her last name that isn’t even the same word as said gay sex act…..

Is it possible that the internet, water, parasites and hormones in the food turned me gay?

Stay tuned to find out…while I stare at this babe and treat her like GAY CONVERSION THERAPY…

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe