I'll Make You Famous…




Sofia Vergara’s Titties are in Europe of the Day

Sofia Vergara is on a European Vacation with a crew of friends, family and other rich people. They seem to be doing the rich person yacht tour of the Mediterranean, which is probably pretty exciting for the set of tits that just celebrated her 52nd birthday at the top of the month.

The daughter of Colombian “Ranchers” who fled to the USA in 1998 with her 7 year old son after her brother was killed because he was involved in the Colombian drug trade, settling in Miami…..is the official storyline. I guess you can’t say “used my breasts as drug mules for the Miami cocaine trade in an era when cocaine was seeing a resurgence in the mainstream”….because people always did coke, but for a lot of the 90s it wasn’t being brought out at every college party with every bro, there was a lull before the mid 2000s revival that I’m sure Vergara had nothing to do with….and even if she didn’t, the great tits would help her make all her dreams come true and that’s what counts.

She did a lot of bullshit work before landing Modern Family in 2019, which eventually would pay her over 19 million dollars and upwards of 45 million dollars a year for her stereotypical parody of a Latin American, which I guess she can get away with mocking because she is born and raised in Latin America.

She’s rich as shit, her tits are big and old, but still worth looking at because old Spanish speaking Latin American women just rot better than fat, white American women….

So let’s so those old tits that made her famous in luxurious settings living that good life…..doing weird shit with what could be old lady shapewear or an old lady knee brace…like making her leg injury have a drink as part of some sort of satanic cult ritual….or a joke because the injury looks like a happy face…

Here’s Sofia Vergara’s son dancing. You may be wondering why he’s so happy. It could be because his mother strapped the fuck down and really fucking made it with those Latin American titties. Or it could be because he’s got to suck on those titties for their actual biological function. Thanks to Manolo, Vergara’s tits were milked filled and that’s worth fucking dancing for.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara