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Archive for the Sofia Vergara Category




Sofia Vergara Titty of the Day

Do you ever lay in bed at night thinking about how different Sofia Vergara’s life would be if she didn’t have the tits…

If some terrible accident or cancerous disease took those tits would her obnoxious over the top Spanish accent be as charming, viral and well paid?

Or are you like me and you do your best to forget celebrities exist, even the ones who come in illegally to steal your jobs, because you’re far too lazy and a drug cartel family from Colombia know all the right people to help make American dreams come true, due to human trafficking…

You know, since celebrity is dead…and no one gives a fuck about celebrities….but there tits aren’t bad even in their late 50s like Vergaras’.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara Old Lady Tits of the Day

Sofia Vergara is very fucking old, but unlike most old rich ladies using their tits to trick young guys they hire to fuck them, she actually gets the young guys willing to fuck her, thanks to the sorcery of celebrity.

She’s one of the biggest scams in Hollywood, that proves that you don’t need talent or tits….

She’s evidence that you don’t even need to speak the language, you just need tits.

Unless my theory that she’s a drug mule who has dirt on powerful people visiting Miami when she was a younger “model” in Miami, likely hanging with all the rich folks at the exclusive parties, possibly wearing lingerie and letting the rich guys eat sushi off her naked body….you know that kind of party girl….

The immigrants from drug running countries are more cut throat and willing to kill to get ahead. It’s a passion that domestic Americans who are lazy from all that fast food, which is why Sofia Vergara takes your jobs American Spanish girls. I mena, that and the tits.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Old Lady Bikini of the Day

Sofia Vergara is rich a fuck sitcom star and hit TV show host and she doesn’t even know how to speak English, which is pretty funny.

I saw some trolls saying they were thankful for the undocumented workers that picked the food they were eating yesterday, but if anyone’s going to make a case for opening up the borders to drug mules, criminals and human traffickers…it’s this COLOMBIAN.

Now, we don’t know if she was actually a drug mule, but I like to think she filled her tits and ass up with drugs before coming to America…

I like to think her cheap cocaine plug was why she was able to take her tits from Miami to the big screen, since having big tits isn’t really enough of a reason to win.

I like to think what else she can fit in those tits and up that ass since she’s got all that experience.

We do know her brother was killed by the cartel, probably for being in the cartel and that she was able to relocate to Miami as a single mother because someone had a lot of money to make that happen. They like to play it off as it happening because of her tits, but having big tits isn’t really enough of a reason it end up in Miami with work visas and residency permits in place.

The point is, someone trafficked her and she’s now entertaining you all with her old lady in a bikini on Thanksigiving body….the way her tits have entertained you the last 10-15 years she’s been famous…

Point is, I don’t endorse old ladies in bikinis, evne if they trick us into thinking they look good, she’s still 50 plus and that’s a FETISH I don’t want to have.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Tits Posted Throwback Tits for Attention of the Day

In the event you didn’t know, whores love attention…

Sofia Vergara, who escaped her life in South America and smuggled herself into America like a condom of cocaine shoved up your ass, only not as fun and probably with a condom of cocaine up her ass….has made it in America thanks to a set of fat tits and a retarded hispanic accent that appealed to the people who hired her in the TV/Movies and helped her live the American dream when natural born Americans were left out of the fucking party because they were harder to control…where as an undocumented immigrant only needs to have billionaires point to pictures of her old life with a “do what we say or we’re sending you back there”….

UNLESS she worked as a hooker and had dirt on the important and powerful people who ended up hiring her, I mean ANYTHING is possible when you’re a Colombian with big tits who comes to AMERICA and ends up winning at the American dream life…

Anyway, since money, fame, power isn’t enough for her….with all the THIRSTY perverts out there who get off to all her content pieces isn’t enough for her…because she knows she’s old and rotting out…

So she posts some of her EARLY porn, living the GLORY days….or reliving the glory days…or wanting you to live the olden days because she was once young and hotter…

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara has Fat Tits of the Day

Sofia Vergara has big tits that were apparently made for TV because she’s made a lot of money with those tits and sure, you can pretend that she’s rich from TV because of her acting abilities, yet she can barely speak english, so I’m sticking to it being a success from the tit.

That is the insight you can gather from reading this site!


I guess this is unfair, because Heidi Klum’s old lady tits were also in the picture, although less substantial than Sofia Vergara’s and less of a diversity hire, being the definition of an ARYAN that the diversity and equity and inclusivity teams want to eradicate in some kind of genocide….which in and of itself doesn’t seem very equitable at all.

But Heidi Klum never tried to sugarcoat her whore tits as being anything but whore tits, where her career has always been explicitly based on the whore tits!

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Titties are in Europe of the Day

Sofia Vergara is on a European Vacation with a crew of friends, family and other rich people. They seem to be doing the rich person yacht tour of the Mediterranean, which is probably pretty exciting for the set of tits that just celebrated her 52nd birthday at the top of the month.

The daughter of Colombian “Ranchers” who fled to the USA in 1998 with her 7 year old son after her brother was killed because he was involved in the Colombian drug trade, settling in Miami…..is the official storyline. I guess you can’t say “used my breasts as drug mules for the Miami cocaine trade in an era when cocaine was seeing a resurgence in the mainstream”….because people always did coke, but for a lot of the 90s it wasn’t being brought out at every college party with every bro, there was a lull before the mid 2000s revival that I’m sure Vergara had nothing to do with….and even if she didn’t, the great tits would help her make all her dreams come true and that’s what counts.

She did a lot of bullshit work before landing Modern Family in 2019, which eventually would pay her over 19 million dollars and upwards of 45 million dollars a year for her stereotypical parody of a Latin American, which I guess she can get away with mocking because she is born and raised in Latin America.

She’s rich as shit, her tits are big and old, but still worth looking at because old Spanish speaking Latin American women just rot better than fat, white American women….

So let’s so those old tits that made her famous in luxurious settings living that good life…..doing weird shit with what could be old lady shapewear or an old lady knee brace…like making her leg injury have a drink as part of some sort of satanic cult ritual….or a joke because the injury looks like a happy face…

Here’s Sofia Vergara’s son dancing. You may be wondering why he’s so happy. It could be because his mother strapped the fuck down and really fucking made it with those Latin American titties. Or it could be because he’s got to suck on those titties for their actual biological function. Thanks to Manolo, Vergara’s tits were milked filled and that’s worth fucking dancing for.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Tits in Italy of the Day

I have a theory that Sofia Vergara is a Colombian drug lord that was brought to America as some sort of Drug Mule because the Hollywood machine love cocaine…but that may be giving her too much credit.

You know, giving her some sort of purpose outside of being a set of fat tits that wanted to live the American dream so she flew in and never left, only to figure out the documentation when she was established and had enough rich dudes to foot the bill for her…

Then again, hot chicks actually have the easiest time getting US Work Visas and don’t even need to climb walls, cross rivers, float in on rafts or any of that human trafficking shit….they just need a pervert model agency to say they are actual important tits and they get to stay for 5 years.

Clearly, immigration understood that importing hot titty model pussy into the country was good from a genetic level of eugenics..

Anyway, the super famous and super old tits are in Italy, since she’s rich and famous thanks to her aggressive Spanish accent when she speaks…

They even posed with dying and paliative Kate Beckinsale who is doing her Queen Latifah inspired “you’re gonna die, so get in all the fun you can” tour…

And Vergara’s one tit seems to be far heavier than Beckinsale’s entire body….hot for those into both tits and emaciated dying women….ALL in the same frame.


Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Tits Out for Coffee of the Day

I always liked to imagine that Sofia Vergara made it into America as a drug mule, using her tits and asshole to transport the goods to rich Hollywood types who thanked her when she had enough dirt on them by giving her a career….

Since she was from Colombia and that is something that a racist would assume the people from Colombia in America are in America doing….cocaine and I guess coffee…which as it turns out, the now established Sofia Vergara is doing because she’s launching or has coffee brand…

At least that’s what I assume with her throwback post of a simpler time, where she’s naked in coffee beans, which she’s using to hype up her coffee business, knowing that instagram coffee brands get fucking paid because people love coffee…

She also kissed Heidi Klum’s shoulder, not sure if she got AIDs from it, but that’d be a racist thing to assume all because Heidi was involved with SEAL….he is not necessarily the AIDS kind of African people.

She also had her tits out, and when it comes to Vergara…it’s pretty much all about her tits, and her over the top exagerated accent….that she can’t act her way out of because she’s obviously putting it on to maintain that fetish.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara’s Big Tit in Red Selfie of the Day

I think Sofia Vergara, who must be in her mid to late 50s at this point in time, should start producing her selfies with her tits out rather than her tits covered, because the tits still have some life to them and keeping them entrapped is wrong.

When her tits aren’t fully out, all I’m seeing is her old lady neck, one of the body parts hard to game from the aging process, while if there was an exposed tit, I wouldn’t even see neck….

Sure, she doesn’t need the money or attention, but when she’s taking selfies, obviously she wants it…so DO better Sofia…her American dream coming true has made her soft.

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Sofia Vergara Grabbing her Tits for Heidi Klum of the Day

So America’s Got Talent is using smut to market their TV show, in attempts to get higher ratings. They’ve got their two Granny Judges out here posting marketing material where one is grabbing at her tits and the other one is jumping at her, like you can almost hear the menopausal pussy lips rubbing together, all dry and dusty.

I would argue that this is about 15-20 years too late, because there was a time when a star known for her tits, grabbing at her tits in a corset was seen as erotic, even pornographic and they’d jerk off to it. That time was probably before her 50th birthday.

It’s almost a TOO LITTLE TOO LATE titty grab, if that’s even possible, because I am sure some are so obsessed with tits that they get off to Old Folks home dementia panties holding their tits while getting their diaper changed before a hose down shower, it’s actually 90 percent of the reason you took the job at the old folks home, the other 10 percent was for the pension.

This is basically like Playboy models promoting each other to leverage both of them to greater heights, only the Golden Girl years…

The good news is that marketing using tit is still a thing.

Posted in:Heidi Klum|Sofia Vergara