I'll Make You Famous…




Taylor Swift Ass in her Concert Panties From Behind of the Day

I’m the kind of guy who likes looking at a girl’s ass, so when she pivots her hips towards the sky, allowing her pussy to have more from behind visibility, I typically get excited.

I’ll admit that despite despising the witchcraft and manipulation of the minds of the masses brought on my the flacid sliced ham that is Taylor Swift and/or her handlers who present her to us as if she’s some kind of wonderful, I almost thought it was hot.

The zero sex appeal starlet who apparently fucks a lot because she needs material for her teen romance songs, despite being 40 years old, almost got me in….

The fact that she’s got three inch tights under her underwear is why they didn’t trap me, even thought the tights are probably better than her alligator blue web of veins white chicks get…coupled with the fact that it’s Taylor Swift….the Travis Kelce collector…

Luckily….she’s not fat…but that doesn’t really do much for her since through it all she’s still the stupidly popular Taylor Swift…

I’d still watch the sex tape though!

Posted in:Taylor Swift