I'll Make You Famous…




Victoria Justice Simulates Sex on the Beach with her Full Tits of the Day

I wasn’t one of those Victoria Justice perverts when she was on TV. She’s a Nickelodeon star and I just don’t really do that whole thing. Not to mention, the Nickelodeon stars, despite being horny sluts willing to suck dick or let their producer suck their feed in exchange for that meal ticket, were always pretty boring to me.

Sure, they were the late teen, early 20 year olds pretending to be teens that were probably fucking more than any of the other young actors out there, but they were so corny while they were doing it.

So when people were jacking off to Victoria Justice and Ariana Grande was going to great heights as a fat shamer and thus American shamer, before being blown up at her concert that killed her ex boyfriend Mac Miller…..leaving Victoria Justice in her tail lights….

I was not looking at Justice’s tits….

I am currently looking at Justice’s tits…and they are fuller than I thought they’d be which works out nicely since her latest album drop, her first in a decade for the cash grab, is being marketed with bikini content…

Justice for Justice’s tits….is what I say….if I knew she had tits like this back then, I would have never bought all those Ariana grande fleshlights….

Justice for Justice’s tits!

Posted in:Victoria Justice