I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Dance Party of 1 of the Day

Britney Spears, one of the most prolific pop stars of this generation, who has been performing since she was a little kid, training for hours and hours at her craft….producing shows and tours and performances that inspire and excite her fans….starring in music videos that defined a generation….has managed to put together dance videos on instagram that feel like your medicated single cat lady aunt at a family wedding after one too many glasses of wine poorly interacts with her alergy meds because they are weird and awkward and make you feel as uncomfortable as you’d feel if that same aunt grabbed your crotch while drunk asking you to fuck her despite being related….

It’s a vibe…

Her look is luckily more of trailer park meth addict stripper too old to strip as she grabs her tits energy….and these top level performances are pretty ghetto and unreal but that’s why I love them…

Hot tits and crazy eyes….amazing.

Posted in:Britney Spears