There’s a rumor going around that Ben Affleck is stickin’ it to Jessica Alba, because she’s Jessica Alba, even if she’s a rotten and crusty version of Jessica Alba, despite being Ben Affleck, who can go recruit the next Jessica Alba in the event that he wasn’t too lazy, drunk or bored of conversation with groupie cunt but instead more interested in more familiar cunt that was hot cunt back in his prime. At least her name isn’t Jennifer.
Jessica Alba is recently divorced but two people in the Hollywood scene have told me over the years that she fucks all the famous actors despite being married, she’s one of those horny chicks who can’t accept not being the hot chick anymore, because her people forced her to do he corporate chick and her hotness was forgotten by a generation, so like Megan Fox, she’s trying to move back in and get her cunt the credit it deserves, even if it’s been behind the scenes dealing in young actor cock….not that Affleck is young actor cock but there’s a double standard and Ben Affleck at 50 is basically as appealing to all chicks as Ben Affleck in his 20s, while women don’t get that same luxury because biology rots them out and makes them infertile, because even nature knows bitch is too fucking old to be out there with that pussy behaving like that.
In being a recently divorced, she’s doing her YOGA, wearing her tight outfit, being a real fucking sleaze intentionally posing and bending in ways that are meant for a porno sex tape, but instead are performed at your local yoga studio, which is probably more fun in person, if you’re gay or into that kind of fitness of looking at ass in tight pants, because in person you get to deal with the Yoga Farts, which in the event you didn’t know is the highlight of the experience.
Posted in:Jessica Alba|Jessica Alba