I did some post about how when you’re a bankrupted, or near bankrupted reality show couple from 20 years ago, and you’re hoping to get back into the limelight, or at least to remind people that you exist, because you see other people from the show doing alright, you burn your motherfucking house down and you hope TMZ posts about it, so that the general public start up a GoFund me, or if you’re really lucky, the general public starts downloading your song from 15 years ago, making it a hit, and generating a ton of attention and income for you….
That’s pretty much what Spencer and Heidi did. I can imagine Spencer googling how to get in on the Wild Fire hype without using accelerants the fire department will be able to identify and track, all while sending out emails to the media to see if there was any interest in the story before it happened.
With losing everything, they’ve done ok on the comeback tour, with Heidi now hanging out in Mexico filming music videos for her new song.
She’s doing it with some rockin’ bolt on tits and since everyone seemed to not be excited by her bolt on tits, at least not excited as I was because they are familiar bolt on tits for old timers like me, I feel the need to endorse and support her tits in action. It’s the right thing to do..
Plus, they lost their house man, that’s more than enough reason to stare at tits in a supportive way, I mean I stare at tits for far less philanthropic reasons that should make you feel good about yourself….
Posted in:Heidi Montag