I'll Make You Famous…




Kylie Jenner’s Hair Gets Pulled Outside a Chris Brown Concert

I can’t think of more horrible way to officially start the week, at least content wise, than to post on Kylie Jenner…the single most obsolete character in pop culture…

She is so far removed from the leader of the pack of rabid attention seeking dogs she calls “her family”…

I have a feeling that I’ve spent more time with Kim Kardashian than this one has, which is not very much time at all.

You see, Kim Kardashian was already living on her own when the sex tape happened, meaning family time was probably limited to once a week or every couple of weeks, or maybe a lunch, you know these rich people, are too into their own shit to bother…

Then the TV show happened, which meant filming for 4-5 weeks, but there are so many of them, they probably never really crossed paths, and if they did, the footage out there of Kylie and Kim together is probably the extent of time she’s spent with Kim..

Yet Kim destroyed this one’s existence, not for giving her a taste for black cock, all girls love black cock, but because Kylie is now forced to have an audience, live up to that audience, and do it as a hip hop video vixen, despite being a rich kid from Calabasas…further proving that hip hop is pop music, and she might as well be aspiring to be Bieber’s back-up dancer…not that it matters..

What matters is that this white girl turn orange, getting her hair pulled, is not a big deal, not just because her hair isn’t hers, but because the Kardashians as a whole…need more videos of them being exterminated….

It’s always the wrong people killed in natural disasters and terrorist attacks…and really mass murder..or plane crashes..

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They are the worst…and I guess her hair being pulled is better than seeing her celebrated more than she’s already celebrated…but I prefer my hair pulling in hardcore 18 year old porn…you know as a cry to connect and matter in a family she’s the least important member of..

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Here they are doing push ups…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW