I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Kate Moss Cocaine Legs

Kate Moss is hot. I got no issues with her doing cocaine, she’s a fucking model, what the hell else is she supposed to do to stay entertained. She has all kinds of money, works minimally, looks good, let the bitch have her vice or two of choice. I do have issues with hipsters, strippers and rich kids doing coke, and I will explain. Hipsters are poor, they look homeless, they like to be seen at the hip spots, and go home for the Cocaine After Party, or frequent the bathroom all night as a group, to rip lines or keys, and it’s a fucking cliche. I hate cliches. If you are a hipster, you should be doing prescription pills, and not telling any of your friends, because you will get way more fucked up then them, and it won’t be advertised on a billboard, no one will expect it, and you will be the coolest hipster at the fucking party, even when you can’t formulate a sentence, you eyes glaze over and you start convulsing…they are presciptions, clinically tested, it’s not like you can overdose. As for strippers, same shit, they are supposed to do coke, so when you meet a stripper who does coke, it’s just boring and typical. I believe strippers should do meth, because they are trashy, disgusting in daylight, and get naked for money, so need the energy. I am sure there are plenty of strippers on Meth, but I just want it to be the industry standard drug. As for Rich Kids, they are just crying for attention, because they were raised by the nanny and given a credit card at the age of 15. I feel sad for people who create problems because they are spoiled, it’s like an adult version of a hissy fit. Rich kids should go to school, get good jobs and keep society working……

Anyway, enough of that shit…I love Kate moss, and I love the paparazzi she’s tripping over.

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