I'll Make You Famous…




Hailey Bieber’s Church Hooker Outfit of the Day

Hailey Bieber pretends to be some new age Jesus freak. Her dad is also a Jesus Freak…after years of being a coke addicted mess….and his business partner the My Pillow guy also a Jesus freak…Hailey may not know better…or may not care…but she’s the sluttiest that the church has to offer…just a debaucherous little fame chasing whore who spent her life being an influencer or instagram model…instead of committing to the church and doing good.

I don’t take her religions seriously…just look at the fuck me boots…modest cuz she has a coat on…but if the right job came along before she got that Bieber money…she’d have her pussy lips spread for the opportunity..garbage.

Here she is in some tight leggings drinking ENSURE a meal replacement cuz bitch needs to stay skinny, it’s all she’s got going for her, other than the fact Bieber didn’t sign a Pre-Nup…and she’s now set for life thanks to his parents whoring him out to the world….everyone gets a piece…except Selena Gomez..that bitch is just creepy and obsessed with him…while this Hailey Beiber brat knows her place…and that is being his body double cuz they look the fucking same…

Hailey Baldwin Tight Leggings

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Bieber|SFW