These images of Zoey Deutch are a follow up to the previous shot we posted HERE
She is Lea Thompson’s daughter who she had with some producer. Lea Thompson is probably not a household name because she was on a barely memorable show called Caroline in the City…which was like Sex and the City without the sex…
I remember it being an annoying fucking sitcom they forced us to watch because cable was the only way we could watch TV…and I didn’t have cable…but I did get all 3 networks on antenna / coat hanger that would conveniently doubled as an abortion device provided girls back then would let me have sex with them unprotected…where I’d pretend to pull out…while no pulling out…cuz I’m romantic and wanted the natural way to fuck….
Anyway, all Lea Thompson needed was a sitcom to matter, and then when she had a kid, she threw her into acting classes at 5 years old, to help her pull off the same scam.
She was just in The politician, is in Zombieland 2, reminding us it pays to have connected parents…and a willingness to strip down for media attention…and as far as I’m concernhe’s looking pretty good here….

Posted in:SFW|Zoey Deutch