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Ellen Pompeo Hard Nipples With No Bra of the Day

So I am watching Oprah, like I do everyday since I am pretty much a house wife and when the TV works, it’s the only channel I have. I may not have a vagina, but I do have a penis that works a lot like a vagina, a really rank smelling vagina. Either way, Oprah is about Sex in the City and Ugly Sarah Jessica Parker is on bragging about how the show has a committed male fan-base and as the camera scrolls over the audience, the 4 men they show are all wearing pink cowboy shirts and clapping their hands like drag queens with their lips pursed because they are gay. I feel like saying you have a strong male audience is a totally different thing that having a strong gay audience, not because fags aren’t men but because fags fuck men and have more in common with women in things they like doing. I guess Sarah Jessica Parker wouldn’t know since her husband is the biggest fucking queer – he’s all song and dance broadway Broderick so her perception of men is one of having a live in gay who help you pick out your dress, do your hair and make-up and talk to about boys while making you babies. I assume like a bad episode of WIll and Grace but I never watched that shit and I’ve never watched this Sex in the City trash because I think it gives girls a horrible role-model with ideas that being a slut is ok, denouncing their genetic need to have babies and be homemakers to focus on their career and feed their unhappiness with shopping, consumption and sex with randoms, when we all know a woman’s place isn’t in the work force unless that work force is in my house doin’ my motherfuckin’ dishes while giving me head.

Either way, here’s Ellen Pompeo not wearing a bra because shit is represents a patriarchal society and reduces women as sex symbols and they want liberation from that shit. What they don’t realize is that not wearing a bra is a hell of a lot more slutty, especially when your nipples are hard enough to pierce through 2 layers of t-shirts and I can pretty much visualize them naked, not because I want to, but because I have to. At least she counterbalances everything almost decent in these pictures by wearing those stupid fuckin’ pants that makes me feel like I am watching the Harlem Globetrotters or some shit.

As a side note, Kristen Davis just walked onto the set and I’ve already seen her big meaty pussy a month ago in her nude pics that were released and that I had to take off my site from her lawyers and it makes watching her talk more fun because all I see is her massive dark colored labia talking to me about being unhappy when she was 25 and it makes this garbage a little more tolerable.

Posted in:Bra|Ellen Pompeo|Nipples|See Through


