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Archive for the Halsey Category




Halsey Being White for a Magazine of the Day

Halsey Being White for Magazine

Halsey being white in some magazine…because when it is appropriate for her storyline she plays the “My dad is black” angle…there was a time this trash was pushing her “nappy” hair, despite being white as fuck, which offended all the white people, who assumed she didn’t have a black dad, and who demanded a Paternity test to prove that she was not just appropriating the black culture…

Halsey, who produces some of the shittiest new pop music out there, but who is making bank cuz people have no taste has other storylines I don’t believe, about being a 19 year old party kid on drugs who was homeless and who would do drugs to not fall asleep so that she doesn’t get raped…what a fucking joke….bitch was in the VIP room fucking DJs like so many girls before her…and the right team signed her up and made her happen…let’s not give her any fucking credit for being more than just a solid manipulator who someone figured they could make money off of…

I think this bitch is straight up trash, even now that she’s no longer poor trash and her and her fake tits aren’t even worth jerking off to…while EVERY girl is worth jerking off to…thanks to their vaginas…even fatties..

Anyway, here’s more propaganda.

Here she is being “pregnant” for the cameras..
Halsey Pregnant or Fat

And here she is flashing her pussy on stage..


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Boring Erotica of the Day

Halsey Erotica

Halsey is SO BORING. Here she is in some fashion magazine being boring, you’d think she would have learned some depth from living on the streets – as she claims – looks like all she learned was how to suck dick for a record deal.

She isn’t hot. She isn’t good. She’s another Millennial with no soul pretending to be an “artist” with a hard story that isn’t even a legit story….it is fabricated bullshit in a “poor me I have depth” like an instagram filter…or their fake faces and tits…these idiots believe their own bullshit…and so do the execs who decide they are marketable…

All I see is a failed pornstar who accidentally got into music, when she would have done double anal for 200 dollars to be seen….what a waste or tragedy for the porn industry…losing this wanna be famous garbage to legit fame….tragic..

Lest we forget the real halsey..



Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Spread in her Bikini of the Day

Halsey Bikini Slutty Spread

I don’t believe in Halsey, I think she’s as fake as her fucking tits…which are fake, we saw them when they happened cuz more bikini pics started happening. New tits do that to a girl.

Her story line about being some homeless teen party girl on red bull trying to not get raped is nonsense to me, I just think she sucked a DJs dick in her town at the hip club and he put her vocals on his track and now she’s living the dream, but the origin story isn’t all that great, sucking the DJ dick, so it’s gotta be spun into nonsense…that rich hollywood types eat the fuck up because they are so coddled they want to believe ridiculous stories…

For some reason she’s one of the most famous pop stars of the times, maybe it’s the tits, or the willingness to suck dick to the top or tricking the money into finding her backstory something to invsest in….but I think she is garbage, and she reminds me how unfortunate the music coming out these days is…and I guess how unfortunate the people are….for making this garbage happen….

But I don’t mind her pose up in here.

Halsey Bikini Slutty


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Got Them Tits On of the Day

Halsey Got Them Tits Out

Halsey has fake tits now that she’s got more than 9 dollars to her name….you know so she bought some tits cuz she’s so fucking fake having fake tits make her feel whole or some shit…that I assume makes her feel more confident about using tits to get even further along than she already is…

In case you don’t know or care about Halsey, and I know that I don’t, but I unfortunately know her storyline and marketing hooks because I run a titty site that filters this kind of information to me…it’s terrible…

So the 9 dollars to her name story, is a bullshit story she created early on in her career to give people an angle. To give her more depth. To generate sympathy. To pull the whole uplifting bullshit. To dramatize the reality because people love a rags to riches, American Dream story….

So she said she was homeless, thanks to being from some abusive home, where she was addicted to party drugs and partying, and that sh only had 9 dollars in her BANK, which for those you who don’t know, a Bank is where homeless people store their money, and she claims, this is where it gets good, she claims that she bought a case of redbull to stay up for three days, instead of sleeping on the streets, where she’d surely get raped..

When the true story is bitch was raised to learn instruments like the VIOLIN, which in case you didn’t know is super ghetto trash and something that you learn in all broken homes…I think it is a prerequisite to being ghetto trash “must have one child in violin lessons”……and bitch may have “moved out” of her parents house for a week cuz they were mad about her partying, or maybe they lived too far from the party…so at 18 she said “I’m 18, I can vote, and I vote to leave here, fuck ya’ll”….and bitch may have had 9 dollars she bought redbull with…but she was at the clubs, in the VIP rooms, drinking for free and working the DJs into letting her lay down the vocal track that got her the record deal and that gave us this pile of dog shit called HALSEY…

Don’t believe what the media tells you, it’s not a fake news situation, it’s a fake everything situation as all these fuckers and all the stories we hear are just full of shit…to brainwash you…

But this bullshit story comes with bullshit tits which makes her more fun to hate when she lies..


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Lesbianism in Lingerie of the Day

Halsey Lesbian Lingerie

Halsey preformed at Rihanna’s lingerie fashion show…..she’s doing the rounds performing all the relevant events to keep herself relevant. Good thing she’s got all kinds of energy to keep up momentum based on all the snorting of drugs she’s been captured by the paparazzi doing, but didn’t get reprimanded like she was LOHAN, blacklisted and shipped off to ARAB country, she is instead celebrated by all the dick riders, who are confused or fooled into thinking she’s some kind of artist…with this tormented backstory she made up….and they love her for it.

At the Emmy’s she played some Cyndi Lauper, who I am a huge fan of. Iconic song….only to be slaughtered by this bitch, while the public said she did amazing cuz they don’t know better….it was the In Memoriam section and it was the real tragedy of that segment. The murdering of a song that didn’t need to be covered…

I don’t know what she’s doing at Rihanna’s show, but at least she’s sexualizing herself….cuz I guess that makes it all ok…

Make American Popstars great again, cuz this bitch is just garbage…

Halsey Lesbian Lingerie
Halsey Lesbian Lingerie
Halsey Lesbian Lingerie

Here is Rihanna at the same show flashing her pussy..
Rihanna Pussy Flash


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Almost Pussy Flash of the Day

Halsey Almost Pussy Flash

Halsey attending a fashion week event with her pussy out. You can’t see her labia, but I can tell you that many people have, that is why she exists.

I can also tell you that it is HALF BLACK and mad that hotels don’t have shampoo that caters to it’s hair. I can tell you that it snorts a powder in Miami during some music week and the paparazzi capture it, but instead of being exiled, forced into rehab like she would have been if she was famous 10 years ago, brands all still work with her.

Furthermore, it has some storyline about being a druggy raver party girl homeless kid, sure, who rocked the VIP room thanks to promoters, and found some white boy DJ to fuck, cuz these DJs have needs, most are nerd losers who don’t know shit about music, but know that being the focal point of the room gets them pussy. Halsey was that pussy and this is her being discreet about her pussy, even though she’s loud about everything she does to make sure you all notice her….she’s a fucking NEON sign of a bitch…LOOK AT HER, OPEN, READY….and fucking annoying


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Boring Photoshoot of the Day

Halsey Tits

Halsey decided to be white for this boring photoshoot for Cosmopolitan magazine.

My opinion is that these low level talentless piles of shit, who understand the importance of sucking DJ dick, laying the vocal on some lame fucking track all the kids will be into cuz they have no taste….as well as online marketing…to establish themselves….don’t deserve to be pandered to, or to be the voice of a generation, but they think they are, and the media follows them….leading to Halsey thinking she’s got a voice and influence, and she propbably does, but definitely shouldn’t.

There is nothing likeable about her, except maybe her fake tits, and even then they don’t impress me, anyone with 5k can get fake tits…

She plays black, or raped, or a drug addict when it is convenient and I am sure she believes her own bullshit, but that doesn’t mean we need to.

I also saw pics of her snorting lines or bumps of something a while ago, and that is when I thought she should be cancelled, fired, retired, forgotten, but instead it made her more legit to people and helped her build more brand deals and hype cuz all the kids snort drugs so she’s just being real…when NOTHING about her is real…not even her tits.


Halsey Tits


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Bikini of the Day

Halsey Bikini

Halsey is some clickbait, soundcloud, viral sensation with some bullshit backstory that I don’t find interesting or compelling, but the coddled people of the entertainment industry who gave her a break clearly thought was compelling enough to use in her marketing….and so she exists…

In her existing has been a series of boring, annoying, typical self important shit you’d expect from a popstar, who is really just a vocal track on electronic music thanks to sucking dick in the VIP room at clubs before getting signed.

But it’s allowed her to scam the people, and in scamming the people, she’s able to afford new tits. A sign of accomplishment for a girl who probably thought she’d never get the tits she always dreamt of being that party girl…cuz no one likes a titless party girl.

Here’s her bikini.

here she is for some DKNY thing
Halsey Bikini


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Rolling Stone Tits of the Day

Halsey Rolling Stone Tits

Halsey is in Rolling Stone magazine which only surprises me because it means Rolling Stone magazine is still around, surviving the move to digital, while every other inflated publisher from the print world drowns….

I guess people like Rolling Stone, or maybe they are drowning and this bitch is just it it, with her new fake tits, cuz she’s do a photoshoot anywhere she can be to get some level of attention…it is all part of the popstar troll….in this era where you can only really matter if you troll proper…and in Halsey’s case, trolling comes easy to her, cuz she looks like a troll…a troll with titties but still a troll..

Halsey Rolling Stone Tits



Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Halsey Hard Nipples of the Day

Halsey Hard Nipples

Halsey and her new tits like all girls with new tits…is out there braless and hard nippled….doing whatever the fuck this is…that I am pretty confident doesn’t matter…but since it involves fake tits…and hard nipples it’s alright….even if everything else about Halsey is nonsense noise that just pollutes the pop culture world like the toxic slime she is…stuck to the music industry like a genital wart that won’t go away, but that instead just turns into Michael Douglas’ throat cancer..

WHAT I AM SAYING HERE is that Halsey, big tits now but prior to the big tits was some party girl who fucked DJs and one gave her a shot because that’s what DJs do as they are riding a scam also and like the share the wealth of that scam…the problem is that Halsey did a whole back story of a bi-racial girl who was homeless and drug addicted and she’s whined about it…but never forget how big of loser she was…prior to fame diluting that level of LOSER…


While staring at her big fake tits…

Halsey Hard Nipples


Posted in:Halsey|SFW