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Archive for the Amanda AJ Michalka Category




Aly and AJ Michalka Sisters in Thongs of the Day

I was never into Disney, I think I saw a handful of their animations as a kid and decided it was evil propaganda because I am just more enlightened than most of you fuckers I guess. This was before knowing that Disney owns all levels of the media and that their manipulating the mind of the youth, who I think shouldn’t be allowed on the internet, on screens, teach em how to be humans before letting them throw it all away as obese slobs on a screen…..

I do remember early in the site the Michalka sisters being the jerk off material for the people who liked Disney for the way they pulled talent, you know the young starlets that play wholesome, despite probably doing vile shit to become that talent, only to grow up as young broken sluts to keep society moving in the wrong direction.

I did posts on the sisters, since they were trending and I don’t know what’s popular or not, in the event you didn’t realize, this site is supposed to make fun of celebrity culture not groupie it like it was ELON MUSK….which is a weird thing to GROUPIE….no one likes nerds, but for some reason when they make billions, people think they are cooler than they actually are….they are still nerds…so stop jerking off to ELON and GATES….and go back to jerking off to the MICHALKA sisters..

The point is, they are slutty hot sisters, now older, but not too old to remember than there is strength in numbers, together stronger than apart, or some shit….because when it comes to sisters, we all want to seem them fuck each other, it’s genetically just masturabtion….ideally on our dicks…and anyone who has fucked a girl with a sister knows, the other sister, even when ugly, is appealing enough to want to fuck, just to see if their pussies match.

So sister fetishes are real, these sisters in thongs are real cuz they know the sister fetish, the ass on the left doesn’t look real, but nothing is real, so we’ll take it.


Posted in:Aly Michalka|Amanda AJ Michalka|Uncategorized




Amanda “AJ” Michalka Bra Top of the Day

Amanda AJ Michalka Bra Top

The Michalka Sisters are still at it..at least one of them is.

There was a time when they were the original Disney Kids to go slutty, which brought joy and happiness to the perverts everywhere who were into Disney Kids…sick fucks…including but not limited to the execs at DISNEY….who cast them or bought them from their evil parents that sold them to the industry.

I don’t really know their history, I’m sure I’ve posted on them at least 100 times over the last 15 years, and this one is out in a bra for you to jerk off to, because I guess that’s what they aim for, I guess that’s how they feel validated.


Posted in:Amanda AJ Michalka|SFW




Alyson Aly Michalka and Amanda AJ Michalka Erotica of the Day

Alyson Aly Michalka and Amanda AJ Michalka Slutty Bikini

Here are some old timer sisters from Disney, being old in their own content for the social media with their tits out….because like them, I understand how fandom works, and I know the once a fan always a fan way these people think. The world is a vast place, there are a lot of people on it, and to lock in a handful of people after years of high level exposure is totally normal and expected…people are weird and commit to a cause or a set of tits and follow those tits through it all…cuz life passes by us fast….so we don’t even realize it’s been 20 years. Just look at Maitland Ward’s career. People who fanned her as teen in the 90s pay her to fuck on her patreon….even though logically you’d think she’d disappear and fade out…but no, thanks to creepy perverts everywhere…their tits live on far into retirement….

Alyson Aly Michalka and her sister Amanda AJ Michalka used to be Disney kids

Amanda AJ Michalka Ass


Posted in:Alyson Aly Michalka|Amanda AJ Michalka|SFW