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Archive for the Bar Refaeli Category




Bar Refaeli’s Bachelorette Party of the Day

Bar-chelorette (1)

Bar Refaeli is getting married, because I guess she’s found some rich Jewish man to support her, and love her and make her babies, despite her being tainted by Leonardo diseases, assuming he even fucked her, according to a lot of people I’ve met who know him, he’s more of a homo, but a lot of these actors are just egos who fuck anything that fuel their egos, because they are so into themselves, there is no sexuality, just masturbation…using props…it’s just a weird situation…

Jewish girls, like Jewish guys and Jewish guys need to marry Jewish girls to have Jewish kids, and the rich ones, like the hot Jewish girls, so they don’t have to end up with trolls….so the husband can brag to their friends as being the girl not quite good enough for Leonardo, who traded her in, even though she probably has another story, but who in Israel is one of the biggest stars, so it’s status…

Here’s her tame, boring even, great bikini pic for an old lady about to get married…bachelorette party….

Not that anyone cares about about Bar anymore…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Bar Refaeli in a Bikini of the Day


Bar Refaeli posted a picture of her in a bikini…

She was a bikini model, still has a great body, but bores the fuck out of me now that she’s moved back to Israel to own a restaurant, own a bikini line, and just sit on her pile of hebrew money…in her model retirement…

I was more into her fucking A-Listers, cocaine raers, and not being some engaged, soon to be married, soon to be a mom….there’s nothing more disgusting than a model turning 30, except maybe her dropping kids…rippping out her vagina…that’s probably already ripped out but this time from the inside out…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Bar Refaeli’s in a Magazine of the Day


Bar Refaeli was way more interesting when she was in America, living the model party slut life with A-List actors, all full of cocaine and being “Glamourous”…which for those of you who don’t know, is actually pretty trashy, no different than white trash in a trailer fingering some girl who is dancing for them, only instead of meth, being unshowered and toothless, the rich version is on coke and dressed nicely and the toothless bitch jumping through hoops for meth, are doing it for a pregnancy that will pay them 20k a month the next 18 years…

It’s all the same level of bullshit, bullshit that I’d rather see Bar Refaeli involved in, because it is a better use of her tits, instead of being engaged in Israel running her own business…that shit’s the worst….and here she is being old and responsible…and boring…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Bar Refaeli for Instagram of the Day


Bar Refaeli is Jewish…but not the typical Jewish, but more the Israeli jewish, which is apparently not as much traditional Jewish holding onto the old culture and religion, but rather live in a Jewish society so it doesn’t really come into play since everyone there is jewish and that allows her to focus on what is important and that is partying, cocaine, her finace…and most importantly…her Leonardo DiCaprio glory days memories that I assume are in the form of herpes…all while posting pics of her old as fuck ass in a bikini on instagram….


I prefer when she does cartwheels..


Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Bar Refaeli Crotch SHot of the Day


After a long love affair with Leonardo DiCaprio, even though it ended years ago, Bar Refaeli still finds a need to air out her vagina, however she can, apparently, including but not limited to public cartwheels for instagram, because there is no way that in her living the Hollywood, superstar model, with massive tits, life…that she bowed out of to run back to Israel, didn’t catch at least one strain of herpes…

I guess the more interesting thing in this pic is the upside down tits, fighting gravity, in a bra…there’s a fetish in this…if you can see past the fact she probably has herpes, like every celebrity, and I assume you can…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Bar Refaeli in Some Magazine of the Day


Older…less relevant…nippleless…claim to fame that she was a Victoria’s Secret model a long time ago, back when Leonardo DiCaprio probably invested in the company, only to be the foundation of him dating all their new models…and the foundation for her Valtrex Prescription….Bar Refaeli…from the promised land, possibly the chosen one, at least her tits were for a minute and a half before moving back to Israel to be a famous party girl there and settle down outside of what we can only assume was an American life she hated….is in a magazine…and despite being older…less relevant…and nippleless…I’m still down to stare…for a minute or less, because that’s my attention span in this “what’s next”…generation of “Feed me more content…feed me more content…I am half retarded…”…world…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Pantsless Picture of the Day



Apparently…this is Bar Refaeli with no pants on…she posted it on her instagram and I will assume that she has pants on…even though it would make sense that she doesn’t have pants on because she was one of Leo’s original marketing campaign whores…you know his hired girlfriend model to pave the way for all the other models…unless their love was real and turned the big penis homosexual rich as fuck boy wonder to a life of drugs and other models…who would do whatever theyto get the high pay days before falling off into obscurity…like Bar Refaeli…

Only to make a comeback not wearing pants…when they are too old to be noticed..

But this is by no means a pantless picture of the day, because she’s not spread eagled, even though as sexts go, it would be a good opportunity to be spread eagled, as her face isn’t in it..

Either way, I’ll post it…even if it’s boring…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli Still Models of the Day


Bar Refaeli is old, tired, expired…

But these pictures are lit well, shot well, and photoshopped well, so that you can’t see the years of being in the sun / being cummed on by Leonardo DiCaprio back when he first invested in the Victoria’s Secret model program…

She’s pretty much disappeared, she went back to Israel to let her big tits take a breather from the hard life of luxury she was living…and I guess those batteries are recharged, she’s back in the game, and she’s older…richer…still getting sleazy for the tail end of her career…make that money…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli In Marie Claire Mexico of the Day


I guess Bar Refaeli still exists…I just figured that she fell off the map and moved back to Israel after the whole Leonardo DiCaprio thing fell apart…because she is one of the chosen ones and doesn’t need America’s support or approval..

Or maybe, she was just getting old, tired and burnt out by getting paid 100k to do nothing all day but show up at a studio and pose…and she just had enough of it…even if it’s not like a jew to turn down money…making me think…maybe she wasn’t being offered money…because when you’re not good enough for Leo, you’re not good enough for brands…so she went and started her own….enterprising…

And now she’s doing obscure market magazines, working her way back in, now well into her 30s…and I guess it’s not all that bad…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Bar Refaeli for Marie Claire Spain of the DAy

Here is proof that there is life after Leonardo DiCaprio….in the event you were wondering…because obscure market issues of Marie Claire magazine, in this case Spain, with a readership of 75,000 copies, will still take pics of you…so if you’re a model who made a lot of money from dating Leonardo DiCaprio, only to be thrown out and forgotten by the world…running back home to Israel, you’ll always be able to find some motherfucker willing to feature you like you’re news…whether it is Russia, India…anywhere that wants a taste of what once was relevant in the USA…that’s not to say Bar doesn’t make a fortune modeling still, it’s to say no one cares..that’s it.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli